-Anastasia Gonotskaya-

Proposed exercise:

A company must decide where to locate its new toy store among five neighborhoods in the city. The company has selected five relevant factors and given a weight between 1 and 4 to them. The following table shows these factors and the evaluation that managers have made for each factor and place (the evaluation scale is 0-100). Based on the data provided in the following table,which is the best place to locate the new store? Solve the problem by hand and then using Excel.

Localization factors Weight Neighborhood 1 Neighborhood 2 Neighborhood 3 Neighborhood 4 Neighborhood 5
Access to suppliers 1 50 45 56 66 90
Rental price 4 75 40 50 70 30
Approximate number of children 3 10 60 40 60 50
Competition with other stores 2 90 50 85 75 70
Employees’ preferences 2 65 60 70 40 90

Proposed solution: